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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

New Site Design!

New Design for my Fantasy Illustration Portfolio - Help me work out the hiccups!

Like the topic says, I've been slaving away on a new website design for my online fantasy/sci-fi/children's illustration portfolio. After getting a new monitor (long story) I realized that there were quite a few problems with the old one I decided it was time.

It is pretty much done at this point. There shouldn't be any issues. I very much want to know of any funny business you encounter, whether it be a page or image that isn't linked correctly, or a spelling error (not that I ever make any of those ;). I'm also super-curious whether or not my shiny new lytebox image script, the code that brings my portfolio images up, works for you. Oh yes, please tell me your browser and resolution along with any comments :)

Here's the link:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laura, I think there is an error in the biography page. "There is something about not know what you're going to be working on...." I think it should be "not knowing".
I love your works- the style, the composition, the colors..they are very visually compelling on the whole. The only thing is, the faces of people you painted, they look very plain faced and odd. Not really a pleasure to look at their faces. Other than that, you totally rock!