I feel bad that it's taken me so long to post this... But about a month ago I was surfing on the CG Portfolios and ran across the portfolio of Cynthia Sheppard. And fell absolutely in love with her piece "Half Her Heart's Duet" (partial image below).... Curious I clicked over to her site. After feasting my eyes on even more lovely art, I was shocked to see "Fairfax, USA" as her place of residence. Fairfax
Virginia??? I asked myself. I just had to send her an e-mail.
Long story short, this awesome gal lives just down the street from me. Not only is she a great artist, but she is a wonderful person and kindred spirit. (Heck, we both wore our Photoshop Hero T-Shirts when we first met over coffee) =) Check out her site and prepare to pick your jaw off the ground!